Learn to Stop Dreading Your Trip to the Norwood Dentist

September 10, 2017

Fearful man at dental officeYou have your father’s eyes and your mother’s dental phobia. Does genetic dental phobia sound a little strange? Millions of US adults and children report experiencing some level of anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. If you’re one of these fearful dental patients, recent research out of West Virginia University (WVU) indicates your genealogy may be to blame. It’s important to keep in mind that the right dentist also has an impact on alleviating both genetic and learned dental phobias and anxieties. That means finding a trustworthy family dentist is essential to help you overcome your dental anxieties or fears. (more…)

Looking for a Family Dentist? We’re Accepting New Patients!

July 9, 2017

Happy family smiling thanks to family dentist in norwoodWelcome to Central Dental Associates! If you and your loved ones are looking for a family dentistry practice in Norwood, our office might be right for you. We offer a wide range of dental treatments to meet the needs of patients of all ages, and for your convenience, we offer early morning, evening, and Saturday appointment times to fit even the busiest family’s schedules. If you’d like to bring your whole family to see us on the same day, we can even set aside a block of appointments. We do our utmost to make dental care convenient and comfortable for every member of the family. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more or schedule your appointment today.

Tips on Dealing with Dry Mouth

October 14, 2016

Dry mouth leads to decay and other oral health problems. The dentists at Central Dental Associates in Whiting give tips to alleviate this condition.

Xerostomia, or dry mouth as it is commonly called, comes from several sources: anxiety and stress, cancer treatment, immunosuppression plus others. More than annoying, dry mouth contributes to worrisome dental issues, such as cavities. Learn more about xerostomia and how to deal with it from Central Dental Associates, your caring dentists in Whiting.


Repair and Restore Damaged Teeth with Dental Bonding Norwood Loves

October 8, 2015

Woman with beautiful smile thanks to dental bonding Norwood lovesIf you’ve ever owned a brand new car, you probably remember the first scratch or chip in the paint, but what about the 5th or the 10th? Most people stop paying attention to minor flaws after the first few, but overtime, even tiny scrapes and chips add up and the car looks worn and old. The same thing happens to teeth as we age. Tiny chips and stains seem to multiply leaving teeth looking worn and faded. You can trade in your old car for a brand new model, but it’s more difficult to trade in your worn teeth. At Central Dental Associates, we work closely with patients to prevent even minor damage keeping teeth looking and feeling beautiful for life. For those who haven’t been as careful with their smiles through the years, cosmetic bonding may just be your smile’s reset button. At Central Dental Associates, our Norwood, MA dental team helps patients renew their smiles with one visit, no prep cosmetic dental bonding.

Central Dental Associates: Your Trusted Norwood Dentist

September 14, 2015

Family with healthy smiles from the trusted Norwood Dentist1965 was a big year for the world — and, on a somewhat smaller scale (we suppose), it was a big year for Norwood. That was the year Central Dental Associates first opened its doors to our community. We’ve been providing excellent general and family dentistry ever since — and we were so proud to celebrate our 50th anniversary in our newly renovated office.

If you’re looking for a reliable, compassionate and skilled dentist, look no further than your trusted dentists at Central Dental Associates. We’ve helped countless Norwood neighbors achieve excellent oral health over the years — and we’d love to help you, too.

How Regular Oral Cancer Screenings Can Protect Your Family

December 25, 2014

57567999Is everyone in your family up-to-date with their dental checkups? If it’s been more than six months since their last dental exam, they may be unnecessarily endangering their good health. Oral cancer screenings are a routine part of every dental checkup. If you’re over 40, skipping these regular screenings could jeopardize your life. Tens of thousands of new oral cancer cases develop every year. The single greatest factor in the outcome of oral cancer cases is the stage at which it is found. Because many oral cancer symptoms are disguised as less threatening illnesses, it can go undetected for far too long if you don’t see a dentist regularly. The best way to protect your family and yourself is to make an appointment with Central Dental Associates for a dental checkup and oral cancer screening today. Central Dental Associates provides experienced and compassionate dental care to families throughout Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and the surrounding communities.

Are You at Risk for Developing Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer can develop at anytime. However, you may be at heightened risk for developing oral cancer if:

  • You are over 40
  • You are male
  • You use any type of tobacco products
  • You drink any alcohol
  • You have Human papillomavirus

What Do Oral Cancer Screenings Check?

Any of the following symptoms could be early warning signs of oral cancer:

  • An ulcer in your mouth or sore on your tongue that won’t go away
  • A red or white patch in your mouth
  • Unexplained pain in your mouth or ear
  • An unexplained lump in your neck
  • Persistent sore or painful throat
  • A croaky voice or difficulty swallowing

Oral Cancer Screening Appointments in Norwood, MA

There’s no upside to postponing the dental care you and your family need to stay healthy. Making an appointment for the oral cancer screening and dental checkup you need is easy with Central Dental Associates. Central Dental Associates are standing by to help you protect your family this coming year, and for the many happy years to come. The highly qualified dentists of Central Dental Associates restore smiles daily throughout Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and nearby areas.

A Brief History of Toothpaste

October 25, 2014

76945246The average person brushes their teeth over 40,000 times and uses over 80 liters of toothpaste. The tarter build-up fighting, brightening, whitening toothpaste we enjoy today has not been around for very long. In fact, it has only been around in its modern day form for about 60 years. Toothpaste as we now know it has been on a long road of innovation and invention. The experienced team at Central Dental Associates wants to help you learn more about protecting your teeth. Contact Central dental Associates today for your next appointment at their Norwood, MA dental office. The doctors of Central Dental proudly serve Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and surrounding areas.

Early Toothpaste Formulas

The search for an effective toothpaste formula has gone on for thousands of years. The ancients were constantly seeking prevention and remedy for toothaches, tooth decay and bad breath. This search led to incredibly bizarre concoctions and formulas. As early as 5000 B.C. the Egyptians created a formula for toothpaste that consisted of mint flowers, salt and pepper. Unfortunately, it also had the side effect of making the gums bleed. Today we use baking soda as the abrasive in toothpaste which polishes our teeth.  As early as 500 B.C. in Rome, China and India some of the abrasives used were made from crushed fish bones and egg and snail shells, brushed on with sticks or cloths.

Advances in Toothpaste

It wasn’t until the early 19th century that the modern toothbrush and toothpaste began to take shape. The popular formula for toothpaste at this time consisted of chalk, salt and glycerin sold in jars, not tubes. An American dentist named Dr. Peabody was the first to add soap in 1824. The modern tube toothpaste can be attributed to a father son in Connecticut. Dr. W.W. Sheffield and his son had developed tube toothpaste by 1892, first Inspired by the tubes of paint used by painters. At this time it was known as “crème dentifrice”.

Modern Toothpaste

In 1896, Colgate began marketing metal tubes of toothpaste that wound up with a key. The healthy effect of fluoride on teeth was revealed by accident in 1901 when a dentist in Colorado Springs found that the local population he treated developed significantly fewer cavities than other populations. It was discovered that this was due to naturally elevated levels of fluoride in their local water supply. By 1950, fluoride was added to the general formula. After WWII synthetic detergents replaced the soap in toothpaste.


Toothpaste and Cavity Prevention in Norwood, MA

Modern toothpaste is made of an abrasive like baking soda or chalk, a whitener, flavoring, a foaming additive and a binder. You can easily make your own toothpaste at home using a simple recipe. Just mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of glycerin, a dash of water and one teaspoon of peppermint. To find out more about taking care of your teeth, contact Central Dental Associates today for your twice yearly check up. Central Dental Associates proudly serve patients in Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and the surrounding communities.

Brushing and Flossing Techniques for a Healthier Smile!

June 6, 2014

brushes1Have you ever heard the old adage “It’s the little things that count”? Well, that can be applied to all areas of life, even your oral health! Though it may not seem like a big deal, simple things like brushing and flossing can really make a difference in your teeth. The doctors at Central Dental Associates are strong believers in patient education, and they want to make sure you have the proper knowledge to better care for your smile.

In regards to toothbrushes, small toothbrushes with small, rounded-out ends are best, as they can clean your entire mouth without damaging any tissue. A very important tip is to make sure that you change your toothbrush every three months, or after recovering from a sickness. This prevents bacteria from infesting your mouth and helps you have a cleaner smile. Tilt your toothbrush to a 45 degree angle, and use small, circular movements to gently brush along the gum line and the teeth.  To be especially thorough, brush the tongue and the backs of your teeth!

With flossing, this is a very secure way of removing stubborn bacteria, plaque, and tartar from where your toothbrush can’t reach. You want to form a U-shape around the tooth, but do not jerk the floss in and out of the gum line, as that can cause bleeding. Gently slide the floss between the teeth, and do it for every tooth.

If you have any more questions about how to properly brush and floss your teeth, make an appointment, and we’d be glad to help! With summer rapidly approaching, you want to make sure you are able to take full advantage of your summer vacation with a beautiful, and, most importantly, healthy smile!

Visit our contemporary practice and learn why Central Dental Associates has been Norwood’s premier choice for family and restorative dentistry since 1965. We’re located in Norwood, MA at Chestnut Green, convenient for patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and surrounding areas. Call us today!

Don’t Forget to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the End of the Year

December 3, 2013


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As yet another year draws to a close, it’s important to take the time to check and make sure you took full advantage of your dental benefits for 2013. If you have dental insurance, you have a certain amount of coverage that you can use every year. At Central Dental Associates, we want to make sure that our patients are taking full advantage of their dental benefits.

If you haven’t been to our office twice this year for your dental cleanings, this is a great time to address this. Dental cleanings and checkups are not only covered by your dental benefits, but they’re also a great way of ensuring the health of your smile. We can discover and address smile issues before they have a destructive impact on your smile.

Every dental insurance plan is different, so it’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand what coverage your plan provides. Any benefits that you have will be lost at the end of 2013, so it is important to schedule an appointment today. Also, plans can change from year to year, so there’s no guarantee that you’ll have the same dental benefits from year to year. Give us a call today to learn more or schedule an appointment.

Visit our contemporary practice and learn why Central Dental Associates has been Norwood’s premier choice for family and restorative dentistry since 1965. We’re located in Norwood, MA at Chestnut Green, convenient to patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and surrounding areas. Call us today!

The Importance of Flossing

May 20, 2013

While we all know it’s important to floss, it doesn’t mean we’re all actually doing it. Today, the staff at Central Dental Associates wants to teach you about flossing and how important it is to the health of your smile.

Unfortunately, brushing alone isn’t enough to maintain the health of your smile.  Plaque can accumulate between your teeth and can lead to decay. Also, plaque can harden into tartar and can irritate your gums, inflaming your gums and increasing your risk of gum disease.

Flossing is important because it cleans in between your teeth, thus preventing a buildup of plaque. Brushing just cleans the tops and sides of your teeth. Your smile is not truly clean until you use both techniques together. This article from Colgate discusses proper flossing techniques, and we can demonstrate them for you at your regular checkup. If you’re having trouble flossing, try getting a pre-threaded flossing tool. They can be found in packages at drugstores and are inexpensive.

Flossing needs to be an integral part of your oral health routine to ensure the health of your smile. By taking a little time out of your day to floss, you’ll see a big difference in your smile. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re here to help.

Visit our contemporary practice and learn why Central Dental Associates has been Norwood’s premier choice for family and restorative dentistry since 1965. We’re located in Norwood, MA at Chestnut Green, convenient to patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and surrounding areas. Call us today!