Learn to Stop Dreading Your Trip to the Norwood Dentist

September 10, 2017

Fearful man at dental officeYou have your father’s eyes and your mother’s dental phobia. Does genetic dental phobia sound a little strange? Millions of US adults and children report experiencing some level of anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. If you’re one of these fearful dental patients, recent research out of West Virginia University (WVU) indicates your genealogy may be to blame. It’s important to keep in mind that the right dentist also has an impact on alleviating both genetic and learned dental phobias and anxieties. That means finding a trustworthy family dentist is essential to help you overcome your dental anxieties or fears. (more…)

Looking for a Family Dentist? We’re Accepting New Patients!

July 9, 2017

Happy family smiling thanks to family dentist in norwoodWelcome to Central Dental Associates! If you and your loved ones are looking for a family dentistry practice in Norwood, our office might be right for you. We offer a wide range of dental treatments to meet the needs of patients of all ages, and for your convenience, we offer early morning, evening, and Saturday appointment times to fit even the busiest family’s schedules. If you’d like to bring your whole family to see us on the same day, we can even set aside a block of appointments. We do our utmost to make dental care convenient and comfortable for every member of the family. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more or schedule your appointment today.

Need a Children’s Dentist in Norwood? Look No Further!

January 7, 2016

children's dentist norwoodYou love seeing your little one smile — especially when you know those precious white teeth are not just adorable, but healthy, too. At Central Dental Associates, we’re passionate about taking care of the latter. In fact, we pride ourselves on building the healthy, beautiful smiles children and adults in our community enjoy. If you still haven’t found an excellent children’s dentist in Norwood, why don’t you give the Central Dental team a try?


Your Trusted Family Dentist is in Norwood, MA

December 1, 2015

family dentist norwoodWe know you’d do anything for your family’s oral health — but we also know that caring for smiles of all sizes doesn’t have to send you to dentists all over town. At Central Dental Associates, we’re the experts our neighbors turn to for excellence in family dentistry. That means that from the youngest teeth to the oldest, we’ve got you covered — and all under one roof. Keep reading to learn more about your trusted family dentist in Norwood, MA.


Protect Your Kids’ Teeth with Children’s Dentistry in Norwood, MA

January 25, 2015

122406213Is there anything more precious than your little ones’ smiles? Well yes—knowing that those smiles are healthy, too. At Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA, our dentists believe that the foundation of good oral health begins early. Therefore, we place a premium on children’s dentistry in our practice, focusing on teaching you and your child how best to care for their teeth and gums at home and preventing problems before they begin.

Prevention Starts Early

Actually, children’s dentistry begins even before your child visits the dentist, and it begins with you. As soon as you see that first baby tooth appear, it’s time to begin cleaning. Just take a soft cloth moistened with warm water and wipe baby teeth clean after feeding. As more teeth appear, you can use a small, soft toothbrush dipped in warm water. Begin using a small amount of toothpaste when they are old enough to spit.

Children’s Dentistry at Central Dental Associates

The dentists at Central Dental Associates would like to begin seeing your children for checkups when they’re about three years old. At their first checkup we’ll examine and count their teeth, assess the health of their gums, and—if they seem ready—we’ll clean their teeth, too. Of course, we hope we don’t find any signs of tooth decay. If we do, however, we will repair the cavity with a tooth-colored filling, so your child can have a metal-free smile.

As your children grow and mature, there are other preventive treatments we may recommend including fluoride rinses, dental sealants and athletic mouthguards. We want your children to enjoy the benefits of good oral health care, and we look forward to seeing you and them in our office soon!

Call Our Office Today

If your children are old enough and need to visit the dentist, then schedule an appointment for them with Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA. We also see children and adults from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham and the surrounding communities.

First Dental Visit: What to Expect

August 29, 2012

O.k. So you’ve made the appointment for your child’s first visit to the dentist but you’re not certain what this whole “first visit” thing entails. In fact, the baby’s first appointment focuses on both the child and the parent.

During the visit, the dentist will examine the baby’s mouth, teeth, and gums. This is a good time for you as a parent to get a good look at how far your baby has developed and get a sense of tooth eruption and the sore tissue that it causes. The dentist may take the time at this point to review proper home-care. Up until now parents should be cleaning the baby’s gums with a soft cloth or infant toothbrush and water. Usually, once the first teeth begin to develop, parents should start brushing their baby’s teeth twice daily with a very small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, preferably paste that is designed for children and that has a lower/ safer level of fluoride. The dentist will point out areas that may need improvement and suggest techniques for reaching those tough spots.

The dentist will also take the time to discuss with the parent positive routines and healthy choices. Any potentially harmful habits, such as thumb sucking or sweet intake in the form of juices, will be discussed. Some of these habits, if not identified and adjusted, could lead to more serious developmental issues.

Finally, the baby can gain an early familiarity with the dental office environment. The dentist may give the baby an introduction to how the chair operates or show him/her the funny mirror that is used.

Establishing routine and good habits will help the child later in life with good oral health. Proper regular recalls reinforces routines and monitors for problems. It all starts with that first visit.

—Dr. John Maheu

The Dental “ Well Visit”

August 28, 2012

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Dental Association (ADA) suggest that your child should visit a dentist within 6 months of when his/ her first tooth comes in and no later than your child’s first birthday. Treat the first visit as you would a “well-baby visit” with the child’s physician. There are very good reasons for this first appointment to happen at this time. First, children are at risk for early tooth decay once the diet consists of  other things besides breast milk. Setting up a thorough prevention program at an early age is key to identifying this “nursing bottle” caries. Second, establishing a “dental home” for you child is important. The first appointment helps establish familiarity with the child and the dentist. Most childhood falls that result in dental injuries happen between the ages of 1 and 3 and the ability to call a dentist that has already seen your child can be a comforting thing for a parent looking for advice. Finally, this early visit can help the parent understand proper dental care for their child and help start the little one on a lifetime of good habits.
—Dr. John Maheu