Learn to Stop Dreading Your Trip to the Norwood Dentist

September 10, 2017

Fearful man at dental officeYou have your father’s eyes and your mother’s dental phobia. Does genetic dental phobia sound a little strange? Millions of US adults and children report experiencing some level of anxiety or fear associated with visiting the dentist. If you’re one of these fearful dental patients, recent research out of West Virginia University (WVU) indicates your genealogy may be to blame. It’s important to keep in mind that the right dentist also has an impact on alleviating both genetic and learned dental phobias and anxieties. That means finding a trustworthy family dentist is essential to help you overcome your dental anxieties or fears. (more…)

Looking for a Family Dentist? We’re Accepting New Patients!

July 9, 2017

Happy family smiling thanks to family dentist in norwoodWelcome to Central Dental Associates! If you and your loved ones are looking for a family dentistry practice in Norwood, our office might be right for you. We offer a wide range of dental treatments to meet the needs of patients of all ages, and for your convenience, we offer early morning, evening, and Saturday appointment times to fit even the busiest family’s schedules. If you’d like to bring your whole family to see us on the same day, we can even set aside a block of appointments. We do our utmost to make dental care convenient and comfortable for every member of the family. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more or schedule your appointment today.

Repair and Restore Damaged Teeth with Dental Bonding Norwood Loves

October 8, 2015

Woman with beautiful smile thanks to dental bonding Norwood lovesIf you’ve ever owned a brand new car, you probably remember the first scratch or chip in the paint, but what about the 5th or the 10th? Most people stop paying attention to minor flaws after the first few, but overtime, even tiny scrapes and chips add up and the car looks worn and old. The same thing happens to teeth as we age. Tiny chips and stains seem to multiply leaving teeth looking worn and faded. You can trade in your old car for a brand new model, but it’s more difficult to trade in your worn teeth. At Central Dental Associates, we work closely with patients to prevent even minor damage keeping teeth looking and feeling beautiful for life. For those who haven’t been as careful with their smiles through the years, cosmetic bonding may just be your smile’s reset button. At Central Dental Associates, our Norwood, MA dental team helps patients renew their smiles with one visit, no prep cosmetic dental bonding.

Central Dental Associates: Your Trusted Norwood Dentist

September 14, 2015

Family with healthy smiles from the trusted Norwood Dentist1965 was a big year for the world — and, on a somewhat smaller scale (we suppose), it was a big year for Norwood. That was the year Central Dental Associates first opened its doors to our community. We’ve been providing excellent general and family dentistry ever since — and we were so proud to celebrate our 50th anniversary in our newly renovated office.

If you’re looking for a reliable, compassionate and skilled dentist, look no further than your trusted dentists at Central Dental Associates. We’ve helped countless Norwood neighbors achieve excellent oral health over the years — and we’d love to help you, too.

Get Proactive About Your Oral Health

August 6, 2015

Brushing and flossing properly will keep your mouth clean and healthy.Brushing and flossing your teeth properly is one of the best ways to help keep your oral health in check. If you think about all of the bacteria and food particles that float around your mouth during the course of a day, it’s no wonder why brushing and flossing is so important. Food that gets caught in teeth or bacteria that becomes trapped can grow into something sinister, like a disease or infection. Infections can wreak havoc on your smile and cause all sorts of other problems. At Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA, the last thing any of us want for you is a smile that’s been overrun with disease or infection. There are ways to keep these unwanted guests from taking over your mouth, and it’s through excellent dental hygiene – including brushing and flossing. Your teeth deserve the best care possible and by being proactive, you’re giving them a chance to look and feel healthy. Preventive dentistry is easy to practice, all it takes is some dedication and love for your teeth.

Cosmetic and Other Dentistry Services Can Transform Your Smile

May 30, 2015

Cosmetic services can get your teeth looking gorgeous.Your health is very important to us at Central Dental Associates. We provide comprehensive care from our practice for all of our current and prospective patients. Cosmetic dentistry is one of the most popular areas of dentistry. Changing the appearance of your smile can pay dividends. If you’re needing to nail that next job interview, a teeth whitening session could help you get the job. If you’re wanting to ask someone out on a date, a white smile can work wonders. Basically, anything that has to do with perfecting your smile from an appearance standpoint, we have the tools and team to make it happen. Our Norwood, MA office is ready to help you get the smile of your dreams. Our dental team consists of some of the best dentists in our area: Dr. Robert Viventi, Dr. John Maheu, Dr. Maryam Shomali, Dr. Caroline Faris and Dr. Thomas Parsi. No matter what cosmetic issues you’re dealing with, our dental team can get your smile looking beautiful.

Preventive Dentistry with Central Dental in Norwood, MA

April 25, 2015

78294804Although dentistry has expanded over the years to include categories ranging from cosmetics and restoration to periodontal therapy and implant dentistry, at its core dentistry is still about prevention. If dentists can prevent small concerns from becoming big problems, then they can help their patients enjoy greater oral health and overall wellbeing. At Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA, our dentists practice preventive dentistry to help you and your family have healthy and happy smiles.

Preventive Dentistry Norwood, MA Trusts

In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice each day, we’d like to see you in the office at Central Dental at least twice each year for regular checkups. The objective of these regularly scheduled visits is to allow our dentists and their staff to closely monitor your oral health and more easily recognize any changes that may be of concern. If we do find something concerning, then we’ll want to treat promptly in order to prevent a more complex—and costly—problem from developing.

Of course, at these checkups, our dental hygienists will clean your teeth and remove plaque buildup. We’ll also carefully examine your teeth for any signs of decay and we’ll evaluate your gums for indications of gingivitis or periodontitis, the early and late stage of gum disease. When necessary, digital x-rays will be taken to reveal hidden tooth decay or infection below the gum line.

Fluoride and Dental Sealants

To assist you in preventing unwanted cavities, we may recommend fluoride treatments or dental sealants. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens teeth enamel, the first line of defense against decay. Although fluoride is added to tap water, many people do not consume enough of this mineral because of the popularity of bottled water.

A dental sealant is a clear or white plastic coating that is applied to deeply pitted and grooved molars to create a physical barrier between decay-causing bacteria and your teeth.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you or a family member could use an ounce of prevention, then call Central Dental in Norwood, MA, to schedule an appointment for preventive dentistry. We also serve patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham and the surrounding communities.

Enjoy a Brighter Smile with Teeth Whitening in Norwood, MA

March 25, 2015

78768689A smile can speak volumes. However, if you tend to cover your smile because you don’t want people to see the stains on your teeth, then no one can “hear” what your smile has to say. If this is the case with you, then you might want to consider teeth whitening from Central Dental Associates. Our dentists and their team of dental hygienists and assistants have brightened the smiles of many people in and around Norwood, MA, and they can do the same for you.

As we age, our teeth become stained and discolored for a variety of reasons. In fact, the aging process is an unavoidable reason itself. Other things that cause tooth discoloration include:

  • Deeply colored foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, cola, preserves and tomato sauces
  • Chips and cracks that hide food debris, which stains teeth
  • Unusual wear that causes the edges of teeth to appear darker
  • Certain antibiotics such as tetracycline
  • Tobacco products

Regardless of why your teeth are stained, with teeth whitening you can likely have a whiter and brighter smile that will actually give you the confidence to smile.

Two Ways to Whiten Teeth

At Central Dental Associates we offer two methods for you to whiten your teeth. If you would like to see results quickly, then we have an in-office treatment to whiten your smile. With this treatment, we apply a bleaching gel to your teeth. As the gel oxidizes, it penetrates the enamel of your teeth to eliminate stains. The results are immediate and long lasting. In about an hour, you’ll have a smile that will be much brighter

If you would rather not take the time for an appointment and you’d prefer to whiten your teeth in the privacy of home, then we can supply you with custom-fitted trays made at Central Dental Associates along with professional grade whitening gel. After whitening for about 30 minutes a day for two weeks, you’ll see amazing smile results.

Call Our Office Today

To have a smile that you want the world to see, schedule an appointment for teeth whitening with Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA. We also serve patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham and the surrounding communities.

Healthy Gums and Healthy You with Periodontal Treatment in Norwood, MA

February 25, 2015

185846113The oral-systemic connection is undeniable. What happens in your mouth doesn’t just stay in your mouth—and that’s not even considering the foods and beverages that nourish the rest of your body. The bacteria that lives in your mouth can spread to other organs, causing disease. More often than not, these bacteria gain entrance to the blood stream via your gums, which is why gum health is so important. Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA, provides periodontal treatment to help you maintain healthy gums for a healthier you.

What is Gum or Periodontal Disease?

Gum disease is an inflammatory condition of the soft tissue surrounding teeth that occurs when tartar and plaque buildup spread beneath your gum line. This disease has both an early and a late stage condition.

The early stage is called gingivitis, as is marked by red or swollen gums that tend to bleed when you brush or floss. Gingivitis is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene, but is reversible with professional periodontal treatment and improved oral hygiene. The dentists and dental hygienists at Central Dental will show you how to properly brush and floss your teeth, so you can avoid gingivitis.

The latter stage of gum disease is called periodontitis. This more advanced condition occurs when plaque buildup goes unchecked and the toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque irritate your gums and eventually begin to destroy the tissues and bone that support your teeth. Your gums may even separate from your teeth, forming deep pockets that are susceptible to infection. As the infection progresses, the pockets deepen further and even more gum tissue and bone are destroyed.

At Central Dental, we perform scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and the periodontal pockets that may have developed in the gums.

Call Our Office Today

If your gums are in need of a checkup for signs of periodontal disease, schedule an appointment at Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA. We also conveniently serve patients in Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham and the surrounding areas.

Protect Your Kids’ Teeth with Children’s Dentistry in Norwood, MA

January 25, 2015

122406213Is there anything more precious than your little ones’ smiles? Well yes—knowing that those smiles are healthy, too. At Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA, our dentists believe that the foundation of good oral health begins early. Therefore, we place a premium on children’s dentistry in our practice, focusing on teaching you and your child how best to care for their teeth and gums at home and preventing problems before they begin.

Prevention Starts Early

Actually, children’s dentistry begins even before your child visits the dentist, and it begins with you. As soon as you see that first baby tooth appear, it’s time to begin cleaning. Just take a soft cloth moistened with warm water and wipe baby teeth clean after feeding. As more teeth appear, you can use a small, soft toothbrush dipped in warm water. Begin using a small amount of toothpaste when they are old enough to spit.

Children’s Dentistry at Central Dental Associates

The dentists at Central Dental Associates would like to begin seeing your children for checkups when they’re about three years old. At their first checkup we’ll examine and count their teeth, assess the health of their gums, and—if they seem ready—we’ll clean their teeth, too. Of course, we hope we don’t find any signs of tooth decay. If we do, however, we will repair the cavity with a tooth-colored filling, so your child can have a metal-free smile.

As your children grow and mature, there are other preventive treatments we may recommend including fluoride rinses, dental sealants and athletic mouthguards. We want your children to enjoy the benefits of good oral health care, and we look forward to seeing you and them in our office soon!

Call Our Office Today

If your children are old enough and need to visit the dentist, then schedule an appointment for them with Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA. We also see children and adults from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham and the surrounding communities.