Repair and Restore Damaged Teeth with Dental Bonding Norwood Loves

October 8, 2015

Woman with beautiful smile thanks to dental bonding Norwood lovesIf you’ve ever owned a brand new car, you probably remember the first scratch or chip in the paint, but what about the 5th or the 10th? Most people stop paying attention to minor flaws after the first few, but overtime, even tiny scrapes and chips add up and the car looks worn and old. The same thing happens to teeth as we age. Tiny chips and stains seem to multiply leaving teeth looking worn and faded. You can trade in your old car for a brand new model, but it’s more difficult to trade in your worn teeth. At Central Dental Associates, we work closely with patients to prevent even minor damage keeping teeth looking and feeling beautiful for life. For those who haven’t been as careful with their smiles through the years, cosmetic bonding may just be your smile’s reset button. At Central Dental Associates, our Norwood, MA dental team helps patients renew their smiles with one visit, no prep cosmetic dental bonding.

Central Dental Associates: Your Trusted Norwood Dentist

September 14, 2015

Family with healthy smiles from the trusted Norwood Dentist1965 was a big year for the world — and, on a somewhat smaller scale (we suppose), it was a big year for Norwood. That was the year Central Dental Associates first opened its doors to our community. We’ve been providing excellent general and family dentistry ever since — and we were so proud to celebrate our 50th anniversary in our newly renovated office.

If you’re looking for a reliable, compassionate and skilled dentist, look no further than your trusted dentists at Central Dental Associates. We’ve helped countless Norwood neighbors achieve excellent oral health over the years — and we’d love to help you, too.

Have A Renewed Smile with Cosmetic Bonding!

August 8, 2014

shutterstock_115167076Like everything in life, things experience normal wear and tear as the days push forward. Whether it is an aged leather chair or a stain on your favorite shirt, things have a way of going through life’s daily rigors and having the evidence to prove it. Unfortunately, your smile is no different. Throughout the years, your smile may have gotten stained, chipped, and cracked, and you may not know how to fix it. Many people consider a smile a first impression, and when you are not completely confident in the way you look, it can affect the way you view yourself as well as your interactions with others. Fortunately, the doctors at Central Dental Associates are able to give their patients a renewed smile with the help of cosmetic bonding.

The wonderful thing about cosmetic bonding is that it is able to erase years of damage in a single appointment. If your smile is slightly misaligned, chipped, or cracked, cosmetic bonding is able to make that a thing of the past. We use a composite resin to exactly match the color of your smile, making your transformation as natural and organic as possible. Once the dentist applies the mixture on to your smile and sculpts it to your liking, they will then polish it to make it shine! At the end, you are left with a beautiful new smile!

Cosmetic bonding is a wonderful option for those who do not wish to invest in porcelain veneers, though cosmetic bonding lasts between five to ten years if taken care of properly. Also, cosmetic bonding is stain resistant, making sure your smile is bright and ready at any moment! If you would like to have our doctors help you rejuvenate your smile using cosmetic bonding, contact our office today!

Visit our contemporary practice and learn why Central Dental Associates has been Norwood’s premier choice for family and restorative dentistry since 1965. We’re located in Norwood, MA at Chestnut Green, convenient for patients from Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and surrounding areas. Call us today!