How Regular Oral Cancer Screenings Can Protect Your Family

December 25, 2014

57567999Is everyone in your family up-to-date with their dental checkups? If it’s been more than six months since their last dental exam, they may be unnecessarily endangering their good health. Oral cancer screenings are a routine part of every dental checkup. If you’re over 40, skipping these regular screenings could jeopardize your life. Tens of thousands of new oral cancer cases develop every year. The single greatest factor in the outcome of oral cancer cases is the stage at which it is found. Because many oral cancer symptoms are disguised as less threatening illnesses, it can go undetected for far too long if you don’t see a dentist regularly. The best way to protect your family and yourself is to make an appointment with Central Dental Associates for a dental checkup and oral cancer screening today. Central Dental Associates provides experienced and compassionate dental care to families throughout Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and the surrounding communities.

Are You at Risk for Developing Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer can develop at anytime. However, you may be at heightened risk for developing oral cancer if:

  • You are over 40
  • You are male
  • You use any type of tobacco products
  • You drink any alcohol
  • You have Human papillomavirus

What Do Oral Cancer Screenings Check?

Any of the following symptoms could be early warning signs of oral cancer:

  • An ulcer in your mouth or sore on your tongue that won’t go away
  • A red or white patch in your mouth
  • Unexplained pain in your mouth or ear
  • An unexplained lump in your neck
  • Persistent sore or painful throat
  • A croaky voice or difficulty swallowing

Oral Cancer Screening Appointments in Norwood, MA

There’s no upside to postponing the dental care you and your family need to stay healthy. Making an appointment for the oral cancer screening and dental checkup you need is easy with Central Dental Associates. Central Dental Associates are standing by to help you protect your family this coming year, and for the many happy years to come. The highly qualified dentists of Central Dental Associates restore smiles daily throughout Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham, and nearby areas.