Your BCBS Dentist Offers Advice on Dental Insurance

November 5, 2015

BCBS dentist

Let’s take a look at the calendar: Thanksgiving is at the end of this month, Christmas is at the end of next month. Can 2016 be far behind? Definitely not, and that means that your dental insurance benefits for 2015 are about to expire. As the saying goes—don’t leave money on the table! If you or anyone else in your family is due for a checkup or another dental service, then schedule an appointment today with Central Dental Associates, your Delta dentist in Norwood, MA.

Holiday Dental Care Advice

November 25, 2014

170083078The approaching holiday season can be a double dose of danger for your dental care. While most people tend to eat more sugary foods and drink more alcohol, they also get so busy with holiday preparations that they forget to keep up with their normal oral hygiene routine. You can protect your teeth and make dental care a priority this season by contacting Central Dental Associates today for an appointment. The experienced dentists of Central Dental Associates proudly serve all of Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham  and nearby communities.

Holiday Dental Care Tips

  • Desserts– Drink plenty of water after eating anything sugary. This will help wash away the bacteria.
  • Sticky Treats– Avoid chewy candies and dried fruits such as cranberries. These sticky particles will linger on your teeth and are hard to remove, which increases the risk of developing cavities.
  • Alcohol– Try not to swish wine around in your mouth and drink water between glasses of wine to rinse the acid away from your teeth.
  • Sugar Free– Anytime you can substitute a treat for a sugar- free version you are helping protect your teeth. Sugar- Free treats containing the sugar substitute, Xylitol, can actually help reduce plaque buildup. Also try chewing a piece of sugar-free gum after a meal to un-stick food material from your teeth.
  • Got Milk– Dairy can protect your teeth from acids produced by oral bacteria, decreasing the possibility of tooth decay. Just add a glass of milk or a slice of cheese to your holiday candies and treats.
  • Stress- Holiday stress can cause some people to grind or clench their teeth while sleeping (bruxism). A dentist can provide you with a custom night guard to prevent damage from bruxism.

Holiday Dental Care in Norwood, MA

This time of year can spell disaster for your teeth. Have a healthy holiday season by remembering to keep up with your dental care. Make an appointment with Central Dental Associates for a pre or post holiday cleaning. Central Dental Associates serves patients throughout Norwood, MA, Walpole, Westwood, Medfield, Dedham  and surrounding cities.