Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help You Land Your Dream Job?

March 14, 2022

person with nice smile at job interview

Are you looking to make a career change or get a promotion at work? If so, you know how difficult it can be to stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, cosmetic dental treatments may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Cosmetic dentistry aims to correct aesthetic smile issues to give your grin a more gorgeous glow. Read on to learn how this may help you land the job you’re after.

How a Great Smile Can Lead to Professional Success

According to studies done on the relationship between a nice smile and career success, people with white teeth are often seen as being friendlier as well as more trustworthy, outgoing, and successful. Researchers have also found that people with bright smiles aren’t only more likely to impress potential employers, but they also have a better chance of being offered a higher salary. So while having a nice smile can improve your confidence in yourself, it may also be the boost you need to stand out from the competition and land that new job or promotion.

Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Now that you know how cosmetic dental treatments can improve your job search, what procedures are available? A few cosmetic treatments you should consider to give your pearly whites an upgrade include:

  • Veneers – These are thin shells made from dental-grade porcelain that can be used to cover up flaws like chips, cracks, discoloration, minor alignment issues, misshapen teeth, and gaps. They require the removal of a thin layer of enamel so they can fit snuggly with the rest of your smile. Since this treatment requires permanent alterations to your smile, it’s important to make sure that you’re sure about it before proceeding.
  • Dental bonding – This uses a composite material to correct the same issues as veneers. Though bonding is much cheaper, it also isn’t as durable as veneers and is more prone to damage.
  • Teeth whitening – This works by lifting stains from one’s teeth. This gives one’s smile a brighter, whiter appearance in just one visit to your dentist’s office. You can also op for the take-home option, which allows you to achieve your desired results on your own time.

As you can see, cosmetic dental treatments are an excellent way to make yourself more memorable to a potential employer for all the right reasons. Contact your dentist to set up a consultation so you can be on your way to the smile and job of your dreams!

About the Author

If you’re ready to move forward in your career, Central Dental Associates offers a range of cosmetic dental services that can help. Whether you decide to go with porcelain veneers, dental bonding, or teeth whitening, you will soon be sporting a lovelier, more confident smile that will have employers begging you to join their team! Do you want to set up an appointment or are you interested in learning more about their cosmetic dental treatments? If so, visit Central Dental Associates’ website or call their office at (781) 769-3566 to get started.