4 Ways Your Smile Can Change as You Age

December 19, 2019

elderly couple smiling

Our hair color isn’t the only thing that changes as we get older. As we age, so does our smile. Your teeth eventually wear down after a lifetime of chewing meals and snacks. But did you know that the alignment of your teeth can become altered as well? A family dentist in Norwood is here to explain four ways that age can change your smile.

1. Your Bottom Teeth Might Get Crowded

Your height isn’t the only thing that shrinks as you get older. So does your jawbone. Because of this, the mismatched size of your jawbone can cause your bottom front teeth to become overcrowded. Teeth crowding can also happen as a result of other issues like mouth-breathing, tongue thrusting, or facial trauma.

2. You Might Get a Gap in Your Front Teeth

A space between the two front teeth is called a diastema, and one could form for a variety of reasons. Crowded teeth can actually cause a gap to develop. If you swallow with your tongue forcing itself against the back of your front teeth, instead of gently placing it at the roof of your mouth, that force could cause your front teeth to shift apart. Another trigger for diastemas is gum disease, because of the inflammation.

3. Your Teeth Might Shift Post-Orthodontic Treatment

Our bodies change our whole life, and our teeth are no exception. After you undergo orthodontic treatment, you have to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in their newly straightened position. If you don’t, your pearly whites might shift back into their naturally crooked state.

4. Your Bite Might Be Wrong

Do you suffer from teeth grinding, jaw clenching, clicking and popping jaw joints, headaches, or even back pain? These are all signs of malocclusion, a bite disorder in which the upper and lower jaw don’t align. This can be remedied with orthodontic treatment such as braces or Invisalign. Just because you’re getting up there in years doesn’t mean orthodontics can’t benefit you. Treatment may simply take a little longer because you have denser bone tissue than children and young adults.

As you can see, your smile can become altered in many ways due to the natural process of aging. If you have any of these problems, be sure to visit your dentist in Norwood today to get them taken care of!

About the Author

Dr. Robert Viventi has been working at Central Dental Associates in Norwood, MA since 1986. He achieved his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University’s School of Dental Medicine. He has a particular interest in the use of advanced restorative treatments. If you’re interested in changing your smile for the better, you can contact his practice at (781) 769-3566.