Visit Your Dentist in Norwood before the Year’s Up!

November 18, 2018

couple smiling against pink backgroundWhat’s on your holiday to-do list? If you are like most people, it is probably filling up quick with parties, reunions, and other fun engagements. Before things get too crazy in the month of December, why not schedule a visit to your dentist in Norwood? It may not sound like a big priority, but if you are covered by dental insurance, you are at risk of letting your unused benefits slip away with the drop of the ball on December 31. Keep reading to learn why most of your friends and neighbors are scheduling an appointment with their dentists this week!

How Dental Insurance Works

Most dental insurance plans are set on a calendar year, with your coverage running from January 1 to December 31. Benefits typically do not roll over from one period to the next. When the year comes to an end, any money you have left to use will disappear, and you will be required to meet your deductible all over again before you can receive any coverage.

You or your employer probably pay around $50 a month for an individual or $150 for family coverage. In exchange for that payment, you may be eligible for up to $1,500 worth of care after meeting your deductible. So let’s say you still have $800 remaining until you meet your annual maximum — that is valuable money that you are at risk of wasting in 2018.

There Is Still Time to Rescue Your Benefits!

Each year, Americans let millions of dollars slip down the drain in unused dental insurance benefits. Fortunately, there is still time to act in 2018. To make the most out of your coverage, keep the following tips in mind:

  • 2 checkups and cleanings are covered annually under most insurance plans. If you have not had both in 2018, it’s a good idea to take advantage of this important benefit.
  • Complete any open treatment plans before the year is up if you have met your deductible but still have money remaining toward your annual maximum.
  • Break up more complex treatment plans over two coverage periods as necessary to reduce out-of-pocket costs.
  • Let your dental team know you are interested in rescuing your unused benefits. They can provide important tips to help you make strategic decisions on coverage.   

Most dental practices fill up around the end of the year, so do not wait to book a checkup and cleaning with your in-network dentist in Norwood in December! That’s a great place to start maximizing your benefits.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Robert Viventi of Norwood Dental Associates provides superb general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry for friends and neighbors of all ages. This month, he and his team encourage all patients with dental insurance to book a checkup and cleaning to rescue unused benefits. To book your appointment for this month or next, you are invited to reach out to Norwood Dental Associates by calling their office at (781) 769-3566.