Norwood Family Dentist Shares Holiday Teeth Tips

December 1, 2018

smiling family at holidays

If you’re traveling over the holidays or simply ramping up your social life, engaging in winter sports, or giving your visiting relatives tours of Boston, winter and seasonal activities seem to impact teeth more than other times of the year. Your Norwood family dentist has a few pointers for keeping your teeth healthy that you might not expect.

Why Holidays are a Time of Concern for Teeth

Your family dentist in Norwood sees it all. Over time, the calendar reliably predicts more of certain kinds of dental issues, and the holidays are no exception.

Here are the top three concerns you should stay alert to for your own dental health and those of your family members.

There’s a Reason It’s Called a Sweet Tooth

During the holidays, we all partake of more sweet goodies. For the sake of your teeth and your waistline, try to add in healthier options to round out the party in your mouth, including nuts, cheeses and other protein sources like beef jerky.

While You’re Relaxing, Don’t Relax Your Dental Care

Forgot to pack your floss for the trip? Stayed up too late at that party to brush before bed?

The extra sugar most patients eat during the holidays somehow seems to coincide with disruption to dental care routines. Don’t let that happen. Be diligent to brush and floss regularly, and rinse after sugar consumption if you can’t brush right away.

Where’s a Pair of Scissors When You Need Them?

During the holidays, you’re more likely to use your teeth as tools. Tempted to cut a ribbon on a gift with your teeth? Don’t do it!

And please say you’re not one of those people who will pull out a cork from a bottle of wine with your chompers!

Take the time to get the real tools out and save your teeth for chewing food. You could literally save your teeth.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Cold weather means more slips, falls and face-plants on the sidewalk or ice rink. Hockey-playing kids can take a flying puck or waving stick in the mouth. All manner of damage to teeth is possible when we get out and enjoy winter activities. Make sure you or your kids wear protective gear and pay attention when walking on or near ice, snow or water.

Enjoy your holidays but don’t let Season’s Greetings turn into greeting your dentist for avoidable damage. If the unavoidable does happen, though, we’re here to help get your holidays back on track.

About the Author

At Central Dental Associates, you’ll find not one, but six dentists ready to help your visit to the clinic be fun, comfortable and convenient. You’ll find advanced technology and plenty of smiles, no matter what brings you in. Contact the team at (781)769-3566 anytime, but especially if the holidays have been rough on your teeth.