How to Form Good Dental Hygiene Habits

March 23, 2023

portrait of a family brushing

Dental hygiene is one of those things that everyone knows they need to be a little better about, but that it’s very easy to have fall through the cracks.

However, brushing and flossing every day is massively important to preventing some of the most common oral health problems, like tooth decay and gum disease. If you want to start taking your dental hygiene a little more seriously, here are a few things you can try to help you stick with a brushing habit.

Remind Yourself

One of the biggest obstacles to forming any positive habit in life is simply remembering what you set out to do. If you plan on brushing before you leave the house, for example, you might be halfway to work before you realize that you forgot about your new routine.

You may want to set frequent reminders for yourself, at least at first. You can use a to-do list app or your phone’s calendar to ping you when you want to normally brush. If you’d prefer a low-tech option, well-placed sticky notes work just as well. Finally, you might try putting you’re your brush and floss out in the open where you can see them; this in itself can serve as a great reminder.

Be Consistent

The biggest thing about forming any habit is associating it with the rest of your routine. While it may be a little difficult at first, brushing at the same time every day will make doing it feel much more natural. At a certain point, you won’t even have to remember to do it; it’ll become something almost automatic.

Remember its Importance

If you have trouble staying motivated, try and remember why you decided to start brushing regularly in the first place. Gum disease and tooth decay can both get out of hand quickly if you aren’t proactive in dealing with them. This means more gum disease treatment, more fillings, and even root canals and extractions if things get serious.

These conditions are not just uncomfortable; they’re also costly. By building a good dental hygiene routine, you can save a lot of the time and money you’d spend treating oral health problems. That should be the encouragement you need to get your smile on track!

About Our Practice

Central Dental Associates has been providing our community with incredible dental care for over 50 years. Even after all that time, we’ve managed to remain at the forefront of oral healthcare and to use cutting-edge technology to keep our patients in perfect oral health. We also have multiple specialists under one roof, and with six dentists in total at our practice, we’re confident that we can help you with whatever issue you’re facing.

If you have any questions about how to keep up with dental hygiene, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (781) 769-3566.