Importance of Dental Hygiene from Your Norwood Dentist

March 28, 2016

dental hygieneBrushing and flossing your teeth daily is an essential aspect of dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing does more than give you fresh breath. They are a critical component to preventing oral health complications. With the proper care of your teeth, you’ll help prevent tooth decay, gum disease and the complications that arise from poor oral care. Not only does poor oral care cause complications with your oral health, but it can negatively impact your overall health, too. As your dentist in Norwood, Central Dental Associates encourages you to care for your mouth with daily brushing and flossing.

Importance of Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is essential to preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Daily brushing removes food particles and bacteria from the mouth that are known to lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Not to mention, brushing keeps your teeth looking great while giving you fresh breath. It’s recommended to brush at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste, but when possible, you should brush after every meal.

According to a recent study, only seven out of 10 Americans brush their teeth twice a day, despite recommendations from dentists. As a result, as much as 30 percent of Americans have an increased risk for gum disease and tooth decay due to poor oral hygiene. In addition, those who do brush twice a day, only brush for an average of one minute each session, which is half of the two minutes recommended by the American Dental Association.

Importance of Flossing Your Teeth

Flossing your teeth every day helps remove the food particles and bacteria that brushing leaves behind. Flossing cleans the tight spaces in between the teeth and around the gum line to reduce the accumulation of plaque and tarter buildup. When the accumulation isn’t removed, you have an increased risk for developing gum disease. Gum disease is directly linked to causing tooth loss overtime and can even lead to oral health complications, such as heart disease.

It’s recommended you floss your teeth at least once a day, but as a Norwood dentist, we know this doesn’t always happen. According to the same study, only four out of 10 Americans floss their teeth at least once a day. In addition, at least 20 percent admit to never flossing their teeth. You need to floss your teeth daily to remove bacteria from the mouth to protect your smile. Floss between each tooth and around the gum line by forming a “C” shape with the floss around each tooth.

Brushing and Flossing for Dental Hygiene

While brushing and flossing are critical to preventing complications to your oral health, brushing and flossing are just a small aspect of preventative care. Even with the correct home care, you still need to visit a dentist in Norwood every 6 months for regular cleanings and checkups. We will clean the areas you may have missed while evaluating your mouth for any areas of concern. Together, we will create a beautiful, healthy smile to last a lifetime. Contact Central Dental Associates today at (781) 769-3566 to schedule an appointment.